We invite you to register to become a SALSA and/or Triple A Educator in a high school in 2022.
Check out our website for more details about the programs.
For the first time both SALSA and Triple A are being offered as hybrid workshops:
- Part One: 2-hour self-paced course (link will be sent upon registration)
- Part Two: 4-hour face-to-face workshop (lunch will be provided)
See details below:
1 – SALSA Educator’ Workshop:
- Self-paced online course (link will be sent upon registration)
- Face-to-face Wednesday 20th April, 9am-1pm
- Click on link to register
2 – Triple A Educator’s Workshop:
- Self-paced online course (link will be sent upon registration)
- Face-to-face Friday 20th April, 12:30-4:30pm
- Click on link to register