SALSA Simple Changes Video

Check out the new SALSA “Simple Changes” Video!

“Simple Changes” is the core video for students taking the SALSA program. Students watch the video and use it to learn valuable lessons about healthy eating and physical activity. 

From there, students can design their own action plans to improve their own health and wellbeing.

“Simple Changes” was co-designed between PERU staff and high school students already participating in the SALSA program, as well as industry partners Visionary Digital Studios.

Check out the new SALSA “Simple Changes” Video!

“Simple Changes” is the core video for students taking the SALSA program. Students watch the video and use it to learn valuable lessons about healthy eating and physical activity.

The video was co-designed between PERU staff and high school students already participating in the SALSA program, as well as industry partners Visionary Digital Studios.

Venue Detail

Date : 04-08-2020

Time : 12:00 am

Venue : University Of Sydney


Organizer : PERU

Phone : 9876543210

Email :

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