SALSA online provides a different option of delivery for schools. We recognise that we must move forward to continue to provide leadership opportunities for students, including a platform to develop STEM skills, recognised as essential for future generations.


  • Term 4 Dates – October  29th 2020 & November 9th 2020

The Leadership Day workshop is a co-curricular opportunity for students and will be run online, in partnership with education.


  • SALSA Youth Voices Action Day –Online

The Action Day will provide an online forum for students to showcase their actions and ideas on promoting healthy eating or increased physical activity in adolescents.

Supported by a small grant from Population Health, in 2019, the original posters including the tagline ‘Time to control your Cravings’ were distributed to GPs, pharmacies and schools to prompt smokers to talk to their health professionals to help them quit smoking


  • Leadership Days August 16th and 19th, 2019:
    • The Leadership Day workshop aims to build leadership and advocacy skills of SALSA Peer Leaders, empowering them to develop either a healthy eating, or physical activity, School Action Plan.


  • Action Day 25th November, 2019:
    • The Action Day provides a platform for student voice to be heard by health and education professionals. Students showcase their healthy eating or physical activity School Action Plans.