
Resources for teachers, health professionals and students looking to promote health in their schools and communities. Learn more about our work, including out flagship programs, SALSA and Triple A.

[PDF] SALSA newsletters

Download historical SALSA newsletters from 2019, Terms 1 & 2!

New PERU YouTube channel!

See our YouTube channel for access to all video content produced for: SALSA Program, Triple A Program, PERU Video content

[PDF] Year 10 Students’ Lifestyle Behaviours

This PDF presents the results of our study assessing SALSA Peer Leaders’ baseline indicators of eating habits, physical activity and recreational screen-time. Read the study here.

[VIDEO] Breath of life - Triple A

Breath of life – a video resource for Triple A; Adolescent Asthma Action!

[VIDEO] Breathe easy - Triple A

Breathe easy – a video resource for Triple A; Adolescent Asthma Action.

[VIDEO] Ryan’s Goal

In the lead-up to the finals, Ryan has some choices to make if he is to be the forward for his team … This short movie drama teaches students valuable health and activity lessons that they expand upon during SALSA workshops. Watch the video here!

Let’s make school a healthier place!

Learn more about our award-winning programs, and contact us to sustainably promote health, from student to student, at your school.