"Adolescent Asthma Action"

The Triple A Program

The Triple A program is a proven initiative to improve the health and wellbeing of students with asthma and significantly reduces the likelihood of smoking in a supportive school environment. Triple A builds leadership and communication skills, while promoting health and well-being at your school.

Inspires Student Leadership

The program takes an innovative approach, where students drive both the teaching and learning process. It all starts when we train university students to become Triple A Educators.

Step 1 Triple A Educators go on to train Year 10 volunteers in a one-day workshop, preparing them to become Peer Leaders. The workshop covers asthma, self-management, group facilitation and leadership.

Step 2 Peer Leaders deliver their knowledge to junior students in three guided lessons, that include interactive activities, videos and games.

Step 3 The students then use creative performances to share what they have learnt with other members of the school community.

Student Agency

Although asthma is a common respiratory condition that has many social and emotional implications, there are still not enough conversations about it.

The Triple A program’s ethos is student connectedness and involvement, setting it apart from other leadership programs. Students do not just learn about leadership, but apply these skills in a real-life setting.

Empower Your Students

Improve the health and well-being of students with asthma in your school through positive peer influence.

Students will learn to self-manage asthma and learn how to say ‘no’ to smoking. They also gain skills to improve communication, leadership and teamwork.

Benefits For Your School

The Triple A program has been evaluated and it has been demonstrated that participation in the program leads to improvements in quality of life, reduction in asthma attacks and school absenteeism. 

The program creates a culture for students to remain smoke free.


Years Running
0 +


High School Students Reached
0 +


University Students Trained
0 +


Asthmatic Students Became More Active
0 %+

Here’s what principals, teachers and students
are saying about Triple A...

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Contact us to learn more about our empowerment programs that give students a voice to create supportive environments in their school community.