The Breathe Easy All Together (BEAT) Program

The Breathe Easy All Together (BEAT) peer-leadership program aims to empower students by providing them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage an asthma emergency and resist e-cigarette use.

How it works

The BEAT program builds on an evidence-based peer-education model informed by principles of Social Cognitive Theory and Empowerment Education.

Step 1 PERU staff train Year 10 students as BEAT Peer Leaders in a one-day workshop.

Step 2 BEAT Peer Leaders in teams of four will deliver 2 x 60 min lessons to Year 7 students using an interactive online course and activities.

Student Agency

The BEAT program promotes student agency to make informed choices about their respiratory health to prevent e-cigarette use in students.

Work-ready skills

Not only does the BEAT program foster the skills necessary to manage an asthma emergency and refuse e-cigarettes, it also prepares students for their future workplaces. By participating in the BEAT program as peer leaders, students can enhance their confidence and skills relating to leadership, teamwork, communication, problem solving and advocacy.

BEAT Pilot 2023

The BEAT program builds on decades of experience and on two evidence based peer education programs: the Adolescent Asthma Action (Triple A) and Students As LifeStyle Activists (SALSA). Following a successful pilot study to determine program acceptability and feasibility we are undertaking a study to evaluate the BEAT program in 2024-25.


High Schools


Year 9/10 students

..... 'Vaping just BEAT it' ......

Below is a short preview of the co-designed video with students used for the empowerment activity in the BEAT Program.

Vaping exclusive: Western Sydney students putting a stop to vaping in young people

Principals, teachers and participants have a lot to say about our work

For more information